What information does Board Genius store about projects, tickets, and users?
Data security is a top concern at Board Genius. We use industry-standard best practices to protect your data.
We do not store any proprietary, private data in our databases unless noted below.
We store the ID of any synced items. Synced items may include projects, tickets, ticket-related items, and users. An ID is typically a number (e.g. 12345) or a non-sensical string of text (e.g. ku8rs-isd82k-skaf2) that is used to identify a set of data.
Textual information like the title of a ticket or its description is only temporarily accessed during syncing and then discarded - it is not stored in our database.
When you authorize Board Genius to access your third-party account (e.g. Jira, Github, Trello etc), we store the user ID of that third-party account. We may also store the email address of third-party accounts if required to fulfill the purpose of syncing your data. The IDs of any users that are mapped across applications are stored in our database.
We store any private information that you may enter when creating a syncing filter or other sync settings. For example, if you create a sync filter in Board Genius to only sync tickets with "top secret" in the title, then the text "top secret" will be encrypted and stored in our database.
See this article for more information on how we secure and encrypt our data.