Github repo is not showing in available repos when trying to add a sync

If you previously authorized Board Genius to access your Github account but just granted access to additional repositories, Github may take 5-10 minutes to actually grant Board Genius access to that repository. If after 10 minutes, you do not see your repo as an option in the Board Genius Add Sync view, please contact us and we'll help you figure it out.

"This action must be performed by an organization owner"

If you you receive this message while trying to authorize Board Genius to access a Github Organization or a specific repository in a Github Organization you're a member of, this is because Github does not allow organization members to install apps (e.g. Board Genius) on Github Organizations. Ask owner of the Github Organization to install Board Genius.

1. Go to add a new sync in Board Genius
2. Select Github. This will open a new tab to authorize Board Genius to access Github.
3. Select the organization to request access to
4. Organization owners should get an email for your request to authorize Board Genius.
5. Have an organization owner authorize permission
6. After authorization, the org owner is taken to a page that says "Authentication credentials were not provided." -  this is OK
7. On your computer, go back to add a new sync in Board Genius
8. Select Github. This will open a new tab to authorize Board Genius to access Github.
9. Now select your personal Github account* to grant Board Genius access to.
10. The tab should then close and Board Genius should show both your personal Github repos and organization repos. 
*If you do not want to grant access to personal repos but only to an organization, then at step 9, simply close the tab and go back to Board Genius. Board Genius should then attempt to load the list or organization projects.